C. Y. Frostholm


Rufus Wainwright: Zebulon



Kontakthof (Pina Bausch)

Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch: Kontakthof (Barbican Centre)

Michelangelo’s Dream


Michelangelo Buonarroti, The Punishment of Tityus (1532).


Michelangelo Buonarroti, sonet (ca. 1534).

Michelangelo’s Dream. The Courtauld Gallery.


Stemmen bag mig i bussen svarer først ”Not too bad” uden større entusiasme. Og så pludselig efter en pause råber den ind i røret: ”Er det sandt?! Du er en skat! Jeg er den lykkeligste kvinde i London! Nu kan jeg tage til Jamaica!” På sædet foran griner to knægte i smug til deres far, da hun gentager det tredje gang, så hele bussen er med: ”Jeg er den lykkeligste kvinde i London!” Men hun lyder stadig ikke glad. På den anden side lykønsker en anden kvinde sin veninde på fransk. ”Hvordan føles det at være atten? Hvad skal du? Ingenting? Har du ingen penge?” Hun forsøger at trøste: ”Man behøver ikke vente til sin fødselsdag for at have brug for penge.”

Rufus Wainwright: Prima Donna (dokumentar)


“Most Americans who hear tales from that time find them literally incredible. This is not necessarily because they don’t believe them (although the fact that a third of the country thought Bush did a good job with Katrina suggests that many don’t), but because to concede that they are possible would force them to reevaluate everything they thought they knew about their country. If these things are possible, what does it say about democracy, the constitution, prosperity, law, order and justice? And without those things, what is left of America? The problem is not naivety. But, like a meat eater in an abattoir, they are being confronted with a vulgar reality of which they chose to be either only vaguely aware or which they understood to exist in a parallel universe that would never encroach on their own, even in their imagination.”

Gary Younge om Dave Eggers’ roman Zeitoun i The Guardian

Project for a new novel



JG Ballard: Project for a new novel (1958)

Rick McGrath: JG Ballard’s Graphic Experiments

Mike Bonsall: J.G. Ballard’s Experiment in Chemical Living

Crash – Homage to JG Ballard, Gagosian Gallery

Philip Glass: Satyagraha

Xavier Dolan: I Killed My Mother (J’ai tuĂŠ ma mère)

24th BFI London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Life-long companions

NPG 5136, Sir Peter Neville Luard Pears; (Edward) Benjamin Britten, Baron Britten

Benjamin Britten og Peter Pears malet af Kenneth Green (1943). National Portrait Gallery.

The Flower of Kent


Flowers of New Cross




“…we are intuitively familiar with issues of injustice, unfairness, inequality and immorality – we have just forgotten how to talk about them.”

“As citizens of a free society, we have a duty to look critically at our world. But that is not enough. If we think we know what is wrong, we must act on that knowledge.”

Tony Judt: A manifesto for a new politics (The Guardian)

My blog

728 x 267 cm

Castles in the street


Treatment Room


Richard Hamilton: Treatment Room (1983-84). Modern Moral Matters, Serpentine Gallery.

Split Britches: The Lost Lounge


(Split Britches: The Lost Lounge, Queen Mary University, marts 2010)

“I walked down the Bowery and turned right on Bond Street the other day, and for a minute I thought, Oh my God, I don’t know where I am! I just didn’t recognize it. And so one of the themes that we’re working on is how memory is tied up with landscape, and what happens when you lose your landscape—how identity is tied into place and how it feels like we’re losing part of our identity by losing those places.”

Lois Weaver

Hanging out in Islington


Fyren her var ikke nogen dukke, men en levende mand, og han blev hĂŚngende til langt ud pĂĽ aftenen. I bidende kulde.


Komplekset i Islington i Nord-London hedder The Market Estate, og lige om lidt er det jĂŚvnet med jorden. I gamle dage hed stedet The Copenhagen Fields, og i lang tid var det et kvĂŚgmarked, hvorfra tĂĽrnet endnu stĂĽr tilbage.


Bare fyrre ür tog det at slide bygningen ned. Som en sidste hilsen brugte en rÌkke kunstnere lejlighederne og omrüdet som ramme om installationer, udstillinger og performances pü en en-dages-udstiling i lørdags.



Amerikanske Mary Coble og Blithe Riley tilbragte 18 dage i huset, dør om dør med de sidste udflyttere, og viste et preview pĂĽ to virkelig fine flerkanalsvideoer, de nĂĽede at fĂĽ optaget: Den mest omfattende af dem var en Sisyfos-lignende flytning-fra-helvede, hvor alskens møbler, badevĂŚgte og gamle dukkehuse (fundet i kĂŚldrene under blokkene) med møje og besvĂŚr bliver slĂŚbt op i huset – blot for at blive kastet ud over altanen. Moving in – moving out. Se mere pĂĽ deres projektblog.

Lewisham Crematorium

The XX: Crystalised

SkĂŚrmbillede 2010-02-26 kl. 17.40.51

Friendly Street og omegn

Innovations Centre



Det er forstüeligt, at du kan blive en lille smule bange, fordi du ikke kender mig. Tilgiv denne usÌdvanlige müde at kontakte dig, men dette brev er af usÌdvanlig og meget privat karakter, som i kraft af mit udsigtspunkt i Hang Seng Bank Ltd, Hong Kong, jeg har en lukrativ forretningsforslag af fÌlles interesse at dele med you. There er ingen müde for mig at vide, om jeg vil blive forstüet rigtigt, men det er min opgave at skrive og nü ud til dig i tillid til, at vil du give dette forslag en positiv overvejelse. Jeg Mr. Jon Chan, sydkoreansk og en af direktørerne for Hang Seng Bank Limited her i Hong Kong. Du skal hjÌlpe mig med at udføre et virksomhedsprojekt fra vores bank pü US $ 25,5 Million. These midler blev deponeret hos vores bank, som en kunde i vores bank, der er statsborger i dit land/omrüde, som desvÌrre døde i december 2004 asiatiske tsunami-katastrofen. Jeg skal give dig flere informationer om denne operation, da I modtager dit svar.

Dig with care

10 regler for forfattere

“My main rule is to say no to things like this, which tempt me away from my proper work” lyder Philip Pullmans svar pĂĽ The Guardians enquete, 10 rules for writers. Her er ti hĂĽndplukkede, i nummerorden:

“1 Write.” (Neil Gaiman)

“2 Don’t have children.” (Richard Ford)

“3 Stay in your mental pyjamas all day.” (Colm TĂłibin)

“4 If nobody will put your play on, put it on yourself.” (David Hare)

“5 Remember there is no such thing as nonsense.” (Andrew Motion)

“6 Try to be accurate about stuff.” (Anne Enright)

“7 Do, occasionally, give in to temptation. Wash the kitchen floor, hang out the washing. It’s research.” (Roddy Doyle)

“8 It’s doubtful that anyone with an internet connection at his workplace is writing good fiction.” (Jonathan Franzen)

“9 No going to London.” (Colm TĂłibin)

“10 You have to love before you can be relentless.” (Jonathan Franzen)

Vanguard Street

Quality Street

Cars Wash

Sharon Lockhardt: Goshogaoka


Sharon Lockhardt: Goshogaoka (Whitechapel Gallery), filmstill


Sharon Lockhardt: Goshogaoka Girls Basketball Team (1997), fotografier

Candice Breitz: Factum

SkĂŚrmbillede 2010-05-09 kl. 18.09.22

Candice Breitz: Factum, White Cube, februar-marts 2010

LĂŚngere uddrag fra alle videoerne pĂĽ candicebreitz.net (Work > Video > Factum)

Deutsche BĂśrse Photography Prize 2010


Zoe Leonard, Century Photo Centre, 200/2006 from the Analogue Portfolio, 1998-2009


Donovan Wylie, Deconstruction of the Maze prison. Northern Ireland. 2009

Deutsche BĂśrse Photography Prize 2010, The Photographer’s Gallery

Eternal Life, Global Partnership & Co.


Double Memory

Henry & Harry & Son


Trikster #4 ude nu


Claude Cahun: Keepsake

Claude Cahun, 'Keepsake'

Identity: Eight rooms, nine lives. Welcome Collection

Second Time Around

Home and Colonial Stores

Faits divers

“The Duke of Edinburgh showed his environmentally friendly side by clearing some rubbish at Sandringham. Prince Philip spotted a coffee cup on the ground near a crowd gathered outside Sandringham Church, where he and the Queen were attending morning service yesterday. Rather than pointing out the litter to aides or ignoring it, the 88-year-old Duke ducked under the cordon, bent down and picked it up himself.”

(Evening Standard)

Take Courage

No Paking

MĂŚlkemanden findes

Deep Water